Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Laura Sorensen

Introductions are always slightly awkward, right? Here I am, extolling my many virtues. I think for a lot of people an introduction is "How can I get these people to like me in 5 sentences or less?" Well, I happen to think I am pretty fabulous, though not without my faults, which give some spice to life.

I was born in Wimbledon, England. There we go, already traveling from the womb. My American family lived in England for a few years, and I have always dreamed of claiming my citizenship in the UK so I could go live in that land of green, rolling hills, cliffsides, theatre, ghosts, fairytales, moss, rain, imagination, and ancient history. I am an actor, and after having lived in London for 6 months during college, I consider London the best theatre city in the world. I would love to return to the land of my birth and live there. But I won't yet.

After moving around a bit during my formative years, my family ended up in upstate New York. In the spring and summer it is Edenic, though winter is something of a bitch. I also grew up Mormon, the discussion thereof could comprise an entire book. I'm sure if you keep reading you'll hear more. Suffice it to say, by the age of 24, about a year ago, I was no longer Mormon, and exploring life with an entirely new outlook. It was a second adolescence. Leaving this church (which I retain much respect for, though am critical of) has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. And introducing yourself to a world where the truth as it was taught to you is not actually the truth, at age 24, is profoundly and thrillingly overwhelming.

After achieving a BFA in Acting at Brigham Young University, and living a stifling year at home saving money, I made it to Manhattan. A city where every human emotion is wrung out through each frenetic day and restless night. I love this city. Anything is possible, though hardly ever easy. And you meet an amazingly diverse crew everywhere you go. I live in the heart of Washington Heights, and travel to Soho every day, so I constantly see two ends of a spectrum. This keeps life in perspective, and interesting.

I moved to NYC because I am an actor, and obviously this city of dreams is one of two places actors gravitate to in the States. But my day job is as a Makeup Artist/Skincare Expert/Educational Trainer for Seph0ra. I consult and teach all day long, my actorly skills come in quite handy, and I am scrimping and saving for the day Sarah and I head out of the country, packs on back, books in hand, adventure in heart.

Before I buckle down to my dream of earning a Masters degree in Acting and pursuing a life of living art, I need to venture out into the world some more. I am a steady traveler; previously I have explored France, Kenya, England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, parts of Canada, and the United States. Latin America is next on the list because A) it is a cheap place to travel B) it is entirely foreign to me C) Sarah is fluent in Spanish and D) it contains such diversity of culture, adventure, spirit, and history. Travel gives a person an extra dimension that is unattainable by any other avenue. When I meet someone well-traveled, I meet someone knowledgeable, interesting, open, wise. Exploring a third-world country opens the eyes of an American. We have so many luxuries that visiting a country closer to the ground gives us not only a perspective on our blessings, but also what we are missing out on. Living a "simpler" life can give a clarity, an appreciation that we miss in our modern world of bells and whistles.

So what do I expect from this grand adventure? I expect to come back a different person. I expect to learn. To learn to an exponential degree. I expect to practice self-sufficiency, and to live without modern convenience. I expect to see great sights. I expect to meet so many people. I expect epiphanies. I expect mistakes and mishaps. I expect frustration. I expect laughter, tears, songs, stories, sun, friendship, and spirituality.

I hatched this idea and introduced it to my roommate, my best friend, Sarah. And she latched on and ran with it. We promised each other on the second day that we wouldn't back out. This trip wouldn't be possible for me without her. And it wouldn't be possible for her without me. We will love and hate each other through this experience, I am sure. But our friendship, if it hasn't already, will be cemented as life-long. She is a wild card. Spontaneous, funny, unpredictable, smart, and makes friends with absolutely anyone and everyone. I am slightly more down to earth, though I think we both fall into the dramatic category. We balance each other out, and will be a fantastic pair to take on the world together.

Read on, and share our adventures with us.

Love as always, Laura


Anonymous said...

"So what do I expect from this grand adventure? I expect to come back a different person."

What if you come back a Mormon? Open people often do. Unless, of course, you are only interested in self-selected epiphanies.